Friday, November 28, 2008

Daddy is "Officially" a Novelist

I won Nanowrimo 2008!!! I wrote a 50,222 word novel in the month of November. Yeah, Me! I couldn't have done it without the help from my beautiful and inspiring wife, Carly, and my wonderful, non-napper at Thanksgiving little boy, Logan. It feels really good to have used my time at home in a productive know, in addition to rearing my child and all. Writing this novel has not been easy. However, it hasn't been that hard either. I've learned that in life, simple persistance and stubborness can get you pretty damn far. It allowed my to finish an Ironman, and now, it has allowed me to write a book, it worked out to 1,666 words a day, which isn't that hard and doesn't take too long. Sure, the book is most likely a load of junk, but it's my junk and guess I get the chance to revise and edit and make the junk into something that resembles a publishable manuscript. And who knows what's next? Anyway, I'm on a writer's high right now and could keep blabbing on indefinitely in this blog post, but to spare all of you readers out there, I think I'll end now. We're driving to East Alton this weekend. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

Nice job Hilly!
Now, can you win Nan-o-poker-o 2008?

Anonymous said...

so, um, whats the book about?

AAWG said...

Congrats!!!! And like Adolfo said - what's it about??

"All work and no play makes Eric a dull boy.All work and no play makes Eric a dull boy.All work and no play makes Eric a dull boy.All work and no play makes Eric a dull boy.All work and no play makes Eric a dull boy.All work and no play makes Eric a dull boy...."

Anonymous said...

It's about a guy, Jacob Flannery, who is attempting to make the Beijing Olympics in the 400 hurdles...he gets 4th place in the his life's quest is smashed and at the moment he crosses the finish line, time freezes and strange things happen to him. Once time starts up again, he's still crushed and goes on this wandering road trip, where he does drugs, hits a low point in his life, buys a motorcycle and basically wanders around places like San Francisco, Las Vegas, and the Grand Canyon. Turns out the winner of the race was caught doping, so Jacob actually does get his chance to go to the Olympics. How does he do there? Read the book...later.

Anonymous said...

Congrats. Ben's mom entered the same contest...for the third time.

KSLATZ said...

SWEET...When do I get to read it?