Thursday, November 6, 2008

Drawn to Danger

Logan seems attracted to everything that can be potentially dangerous to him. He likes to get into everything that he shouldn't. Right now in fact, he's crawling on the ground and instead of playing with all the gagillions of toys around him, he's decided to chew on my running shoes and eat the dirty shoelaces. Why? Seriously, it seems like he is drawn to danger. He enjoys pulling on and chewing electrical cords, any small object like a paper clip, leaf, or plastic wrapper goes immediately into his mouth, and he especially likes to crawl near hard objects and then proceed to teeter dangerously, flirting with hitting his head. He's got free range of the whole room to attempt to sit up in, but he decides to do so right near the edge of the carpet so if he falls he knocks his head on the new hardwood bamboo floor. It's an uncanny ability to find danger in the most innoucous of circumstances, but it seems instinctual for him. Logan enjoys not only putting himself into danger, but also endangering our most expensive of possessions. Right now he's attempting to pull the digital camcorder off the basket. Unbelievable. He also likes slobbering on the remote control, and whenever the camera is out, be prepared to wipe your lenses if you get too close.

I'm not complaining about these traits because I possessed them too, and still do. However, I sort of was hopong that they would skip a generation and I would have a docile, easy-going little boy. Not so. Well, gotta run. He's got the web cam and is banging it on the ground. By the way, he is seven months old today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so he's not trying to jump from buildings into trees. Or going all in on a 6 9 offsuit. Yet.........
