Monday, November 3, 2008

Salmon, Applesauce, and Peach Cobbler

Just moments ago, I attempted to feed Logan salmon, again. Nearly every food he's tried, he didn't like at first. Salmon was no exception. This friday I grilled up some wild sockeye salmon, and Carly food processed some of it to feed to Logan. He gagged even more violently than he did with sweet peas. No biggie, we thought. We'll just mix it with bananas, and he'll eat it eventually. Today, I thought I'd try the fish again. Even mixed with sweet stuff, he wasn't having it. I imagine its the texture, or maybe it's the fact that it's fish. Whatever the case, he immediately began crying and wouldn't swallow. He holds the food in his mouth and gave me the most pathetic look. He doesn't seem to understand that he can spit food out yet. That's probably a good thing. So I took the spoon and did a reverse feeding, and cleaned him up and vowed not to try salmon least for a long while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salmon? Come on Eric!