Friday, November 21, 2008

Extra, Extra...

Logan sleeps for a record, seven hours straight!!! Logan slept from 7:00 to 2:00 last night...a whopping seven hour stretch. Now granted, Carly and I didn't go to sleep until close to midnight, so that seven hours felt like two sleeping hours, but beggars can't be choosers. Not only did he sleep for that long initially, but he also went back down relatively easy. Ok. Not exactly, but almost. I gave him a five ounce bottle and put him down to sleep at 2:15. But after being quiet for fifteen minutes, he decided to wake up and cry. We did our best to ignore him for awhile, but Carly eventually went in and got him to sleep around 3:00. He slept from 3:00 to 7:45 this morning when the garbage truck went by the other side of the street. This was a fortuitous waking schedule, because I realized that I hadn't yet emptied the cat litter boxes. I was living life on the edge, but I thought that I'd be able to get them emptied before the garbage truck came to our side of the street. So, with baby in tow I frantically scooped out cat pee, and dug for those special cat nuggets amongst the cat's three litter boxes. I managed to get it done, and stop to turn the fish tank light on as well as feed them. I emerged upstairs to see the garbage still at the end of the driveway. Logan and I braved the cold for a few moments and dropped the cat refuse off literally as the garbage truck was pulling in front of my next door neighbor's garbage. To say the least, it was a perfectly thrilling and mundane morning. These are the moments when I realize I live a blessed life. I'm overflowing with gratitude at the universe and hope the rest of my day falls in place as well as this morning.

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