Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Recurring Phantom Baby Dream

Last night I had the dream again. I calmly, yet frantically search for my child amongst blankets and pillows. I know he is there, but for some reason he eludes my grasp. I see him in my mind's eye: Logan is buried under blankets and pillows and needs my help.

I've had this dream over ten times in the past seven months. It's become comic in a way. Because not only do I have the dream, but I also enact the dream. Last night, I was bent over the side of the bed grasping out at the pillows on the ground, pushing them aside, and just knowing Logan was down there. Carly, well aware of the dream, told me "Logan's not there, you're dreamin' Eric," and I proceeded to argue with her a bit. Usually, I snap myself out of it and a dull awareness of "ohhhh, that's why I couldn't find him...because he's not here..." sort of thing happens. And normally I keep it within the bed, pulling up at the comforter a few times pawing for my child.

Maybe it was such an intense dream last night because Logan was a shrieking banshee and my rest was interrupted frequently. He slept for a good three hours initially, but then decided he wasn't tired for the rest of the night. We cracked a few times, but then again, Logan's little voice is hoarse from crying, so nobody was a winner. Anyway, I ignored him until 9:00 this morning, so he caught up on some sleep, but really he was awful last night. We've gotten into a pattern though the past four days. If the pattern holds, he'll sleep from 1:30 to 7:30 tonight. Let's hope. And let's hope not to have the recurring phantom baby dream anytime soon again.

1 comment:

AAWG said...

Isn't the crushing weight of total responsibility for the life of another human being fun?? :)

He's still young, those kinds of dreams & weird thoughts go away after awhile.