Saturday, February 21, 2009

Another New Trick

Logan hasn't walked independently today, but it's still early on in the day. He has displayed another new trick though. Logan has begun to assert his opinions on matters of feeding and sleeping. For the past few days, Logan has been shaking his head "no." And we really think he knows what it means now. At first we thought he was simply trying to dodge food coming at him, but he's made it clear today that he knows no means no. "No," I don't want more lentils. "No, Mommy don't put me down and leave the room. "No," I want to be able to go into the refrigerator. Logan is getting quite the neck work-out. It's nice to know what he wants when it coincides with what we want for him, but it's not as endearing when he needs nutrition and turns his nose up at things. And so the rebellion begins!

I think I mentioned it before, but Logan has also learned to dance recently. He bounces up and down to music when he hears it and when he presses on his rapping push toy. Logan's dancing is very cute and he tends to do it when excited, overtired, or just plain happy. Well, think that's enough blogging about our ornery little boy.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

can you post a video of the dancing?