Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Toast and Wetsuits

Logan ate toast for this first time this morning and he loved it. He munched a half a slice of Turano Wheat Italian Bread (my new favorite brand). I slapped some Smart Balance buttery spread on the toast along with some Dickinson's purely fruit strawberry jelly, and Logan ate it all up. He wasn't at all interested in his oatmeal with bananas, just toast. I think we've discovered his new favorite food.

And now to address the second term in my title: wetsuits. I was a getting a bit stir crazy and decided to take Logan to the YMCA this morning to go swimming. We hadn't been swimming in quite a while and I thought it would be fun. Turns out the warmer kid-friendly pool had a pipe burst in it yesterday and it was closed. Go figure. But like the good boy scout I am, I was prepared. I brought Logan's baby wetsuit with me, so we ventured into the adult lap swimming pool, which is colder and which has a minimum depth of 7 feet (which I didn't know). The pool wasn't that cold, and Logan's wetsuit seemed to do the trick because once the initial shock was done, he seemed to be enjoying himself and wasn't chattering or turning blue or anything. We swam a few laps and splashed a bit and after 10-15 minutes we hit the hot showers. Nothing quite like a hot shower after a cool pool, and we didn't have any company either so no naked dudes to contend with. Anyway, it's been a good morning and we're ready for lunch. Toast, perhaps?

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