Thursday, February 26, 2009

Case of Crabs

Logan woke up crabby at 6:30 this morning. It was exactly how I wanted to start my day. His nap schedule got a bit mixed up yesterday because I took him over to see Grams and Gramps for a while. He zonked in the car, but only for 20 minutes or so each way. Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. (I don't know who I am apologizing to, mostly myself.) I crashed after LOST and simply forgot to write. Anyway, back to Mr. Crabby.

When Logan cries just for the sake of crying it is awfully frustrating. I don't expect him to be happy all of the time, but the piercing, drooling, snot-bubble type of crying simply because he woke up tired doesn't garner a huge amount of sympathy from me. This morning it made me annoyed and a bit angry. When he's still tired you would think a soft little cuddle, a back rub, and hugs and kisses from Dad in a warm bed or the comfy couch would make a baby feel better. Nope. Not at all. In fact, when I try to lay him next to me in the bed he increases the volume of his cries and gets all squirmy. It's really maddening. The only thing to do is to stand up with him and walk around a bit. It's Logan's terms or face the wrath of his shrieks. It's ok. I get it. But it would be nice to snooze a bit in bed while he relaxes with me.

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