Thursday, February 19, 2009

Boy Interrupted

Logan is having a hard time sleeping because of his stuffed up nose and cough. He keeps waking up from his naps and crying. I feel really bad for him but don't know what to do. His humidifier is on and he's got his blankie and it's quiet in the house except for me typing away and the occasional cat meow. All signs point to napping. That sounds like a plan to me. I'm going to catch a few winks here too because I don't feel all that well either. Siesta time!


AAWG said...

Try a smear of baby Vik's vapo rub and maybe he will sleep in a swing or his car seat if you drive him around the block once? Being elevated will help keep his nose unstuffed.

When my beans were less than a year old, I'd let them sleep in the swing (not swinging of course) because it is the only semi-elevated chair we have. If they were restless in the swing seat, I'd pop on a Pixar movie to take their mind off it all. That would usually do the trick for a few hours.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're all feeling better soon! Tomorrow is Friday, maybe you can get some extra rest over the week-end. I like the baby Vik's idea, my mom still uses it. Take care.

Anonymous said...

We started the Vick's Vapo Rub. Thanks.