Friday, February 27, 2009

Time is Flyin'

As many of you know, I try to go to the YMCA three times a week in order to get out of the house, give Logan some social play-time, work-out and generally keep sane. When I drop Logan off at the kidzone I have to sign in, and there is a box in which to check how old your child is. For a while now I've been checking infant, but in a short month and a week, I'll be checking 1 year old. The reality of that shocked me today. Logan is growing up and he's growing up fast. It's so cliche, but I can't believe it.

Tomorrow we are going to my cousin's birthday parties...they are two and four(?) respectively. I can remember when they were born and now they are big little boys. The passing of time moves quickly and if you don't stop and reflect every once in a while time will pass ya on by, I think. Lucky for me I have the leisure (when Logan naps) to sit in front of my laptop and reflect upon my life. It's been a trip these past months and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Boy, am I full of cliches today.

Well, to stop the bad writing I think I'll end this post. Adieu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time flies when you're having fun.

You've got an ace up your sleeve.

All work and no play makes Eric a dull boy.

Growing like a weed!

(thought I'd give you some more cliches in case you wanted to pepper them around later on!)
Logan is growing fast--can you guys believe that last year he wasn't here yet? That's crazy!!
and soon, he'll be making his OWN adobe hut!! yea!!!