Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2 a.m. Surprise

We had a new development occur last night. Logan went down at 7:30 and woke up crying for the first time at 2:00...a nice lil' stretch. I went into his room with a full, warm bottle and what do I see? Logan is standing up in his crib, just hanging out and wailing. It was a bit of a shock, even though we sort of expected it. About a week or two ago we dropped his crib to its lowest setting, fully aware that he would soon be able to stand in his crib. Anyway, we didn't expect it to happen so soon. It was awfully cute, but a little concerning. How soon will it be before he'll build the strength to pull himself completely out of the crib? That happens, right? I wonder if I could completely pad the floor?

And just to emphasize that this wasn't a fluke, when Logan woke up this morning at 6:45, yeah, he was standing. He smiled big at me when I came in to get him, looking proud of himself. "Daddy, see what I can do?" It's been cool around here lately.

Last night we put up the Christmas tree...Logan likes to eat the LED lights...go figure.


AAWG said...

a year & a half, at least. That is if he realizes he can give it a try.

Nadja learned how to pop out of her crib sometime before two - luckily the first (& last) time she did it, I was standing right there & she landed in my arms.

Romana kept getting her skinny little leg caught in between the bars, so we converted her crib to a daybed around the time she was 12-14 mo. old.

Just keep his room baby proof & put up a gate in his doorway so he doesn't wander around. But I wouldn't let him have a kid bed until he's at least a year & a half, otherwise he could hurt himself.

Anonymous said...

Dude, your child is SO advanced! Everyone I tell just can't believe it. Crazy.