Saturday, December 13, 2008


Hello, everybody.

So this is my first guest blog, and it's a bit intimidating. After all, how does Eric think of something amusing to say about parenthood everyday? I always thought if I ever blogged, I would have something really interesting and reflective to say about my past 8 months of being a mom. I never thought the thing I'd want to write about would have anything to do with...well, poop. Who wants to read about poop, anyway? I know I've always wrinkled my nose in distaste when Eric has blogged about our son's deuces. But that's all I've got, kids. So, I apologize in advance to those of you who are as poop-intolerant as I am.

As some of you may know, I'm a fan of conspiracy theories, and I just wanted to let all of you in on one that I suspect has been going on right under my nose.

Dirty diapers. Why does it always happen on my watch? I come home from school, Eric leaves for class...Within five minutes, there is a poopy diaper for me to change. It's uncanny! So here's my theory: Eric has put Logan on a feeding schedule that is so intricately planned that it has allowed him to avoid changing dirty diapers for several months now. And let's face it--he has plenty of motivation. I mean, who wants to pin a twisting, thrashing 8-month-old to his changing table only to...well, let's not speak of it further. Yes, under daddy's tutelage, Logan's become a little WMD, Weapon of Mommy Destruction. I think I finally understand why Eric always chuckles sinisterly when he walks out the door.


Anonymous said...

Uh, oh. She's on to me.

KSLATZ said...

Carly, I can't believe it took this long for you to speak up about this stinky situation...this sounds like an Eric plan :)

I'm looking forward to reading more from you in the near future...also nice chatting with you this afternoon!