Sunday, December 21, 2008

Peek-a-Boo, Clicking, and Waving While Doing the Naked Dance

Ok. So Logan hasn't done all of these things simultaneously, but he has done each of the titled activities on their own. The most recent new thing is Logan playing peek-a-boo. It wasn't witnessed by me, but this morning Logan supposedly grabbed a blanket and began to hide from Mommy, only to pull the blanket away from his face moments later to surprise her. I don't know where he gets these things.

Yesterday at my sister's Logan developed the ability to wave. For many weeks now he has thrust his fist out when happy, but Momma finally taught him to relax his fingers and open and close them. His first waves were pretty special. It's like he has baby superpowers or something.

In the past week or so, Logan has also learned to click or rather cluck with his tongue. Carly and I had been showing him the tongue gymnastic move and Logan seemed to pick it up quickly. Now he's clucking away contentedly every so often.

Logan's final parlor trick is the naked dance. We've noticed this hilarious trait for many weeks now, perhaps even months, but I've failed to mention it in the blog. Anyway, when Logan is naked he proceeds to flail out his little legs as if he is on a stationary bicycle. His legs turn over in cute little kicks and he gets a wonderfully free look on his face. His eyes light up and he seems to very much enjoy his nakedness.

When will the day come when Logan does all of the above things at the same time? Maybe never, but it would be cool if he did.

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