Monday, December 29, 2008

Daddy's Robe

I've managed to stay in my underwear and new robe all day...a pretty incredible feat if I do say so myself. I think Carly is about ready to kill me since she's been fairly busy today, and I feel bad about that, but for some reason I haven't the initiative to do much of anything. Perhaps I'm depressed over the Bears' loss.

I did actually do some things today. I finished Eat Pray Love (one of Carly's Christmas present), played on the computer, booked a flight to see my sister and the grand canyon, folded some diapers, read a magazine, and played with Logan. Sure, I didn't feed Logan or change Logan much or wrangle him all that often when he needed wrangling, but I did pay attention to him. Carly paid more attention to him, but who's counting.

Logan hasn't done too much today either. He pooped twice today which was unusual. Yesterday he pooped twice too. We think his tummy is upset. Logan also gently pet the cat...a breakthrough for Grabby McGraberson.

Ughh...this is not a coherent blog entry. What is with me? I've been eating really poorly the past few days...really bad stuff like Ramen noodles, cookies, cheese curds, etc. I think it is doing something to my brain and energy levels. Plan on doing something about my habits next year...ha...which is two days away.

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