Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Naughty and Nice

Logan's been a bit naughty today and got himself into a little bit of trouble. Nothing serious or anything, but just a tad humourous (why the British spelling of humourous? I dunno.) I was eating delicious chips and salsa from Eduardo's and Logan decides to grab the chip bag and flail it around his head, thereby emptying the plastic bag of its contents. Chips were all over the ground and couch. It's not a big deal or anything, but a bit Dennis the Menace-y. Moments later, I was parched from the spicy salsa so I got a big glass of water. Sure enough Logan managed to nab the glass and it went tumbling over spilling water all over the counter, the floor, and onto my socks. Again, no big deal except a bit naughty.

On the nice side of the day, Logan and I went Christmas shopping and he was an excellent boy at Target. He is napping well and has been in a good mood. I put a teething biscuit into that contraption that prevents choking (it's a small mesh bag thingie with a handle) and Logan gnawed on the biscuit for quite a while. Soon it was nothing but a mush of particles. It kept him occupied though while I wrapped presents. Well, I think I'll attempt to shovel the driveway before Carly gets home. Logan's asleep so he won't be braving the elements this time. I don't know about you, but it's annoying when car marks get compacted into the driveway. I guess it's an OCD tendency of mine. Gotta shovel before she pulls in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Logan is teaching Daddy a valuable lesson...the hand is quicker than the eye!