Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another Million Dollar Idea

The nipple straw! At lunch today I was giving Logan some yobaby drinkable yogurt. I got out a bendy straw and proceeded to drip it into his mouth. I tried to get him to suck on the straw, but he wasn't interested and didn't know what to do. "Aha," I thought. What if I take an old nipple and stick the straw through the top of it. Will he be inspired to suck then? I created the prototype of my invention and tested it out on Logan. He was a bit uncooperative, but he did suck on the nipple straw and got his own yobaby yogurt out of the container. It was pretty cool and he seemed surprised that yogurt was coming out of this nipple. So now all I have to do is all sorts of things and then I can sell this product to the masses, right?


AAWG said...

you'll sure get a lot of google search hits anyway. "Nipple straws! YES!... oh, that's not what I was looking for."

Anonymous said...

That's a good idea! Im gonna try it tomorrow!