Monday, January 26, 2009

Day of Diarrhea

We've gone through another 3 outfits today. Yuck. Obviously something is wrong with Logan's belly because it sounds like a hollow, sloshy watermelon. Truly, it has been a gross day. He's asleep now but I fully expect him to wake up in need of a change. Poor guy. more poopie talk. I probably should of put these posts under the T.M.I. (too much information) regulations, but diarrhea is my life now and I blog to share my life so there ya go.


Unknown said...

So, I was just remembering our conversation re: YoBaby yogurt -- maybe it's too much dairy??? Just a thought?

Anonymous said...

Possibly...although he hasn't had any for a few days.

AAWG said...

my theory - he stuck his fingers in his mouth after playing with some germbag diarrhea kid at the gym tot lot.

yogurt is good for fighting intestinal germs.

KSLATZ said...

my dogs have been producing really bad loose bowel movements of late. while on our walk yesterday, DeRosa laid a big fat wet pile of loose poop on the street. it's hard to clean up on the sidewalk when it's loose and messy and all you have is a small platic bag. Hope no one accidentily stepped in it - it was nasty! so I am right there with you - cleaning up nasty poop is part of fatherhood!