Thursday, January 15, 2009

First Haircut (That Counts)

We got Logan a haircut today since we're planning on getting professional pictures taken this weekend. Why we have to spend money on "professional" pictures I don't know? As if I can't take professional pictures. Anyway, we went to Dolce Vita, the fancy salon where Carly and sometimes I get our haircuts. Logan's stylist was named Randi and she was absolutely smitten with him. It was hard not to be since he was being absolutely precious, flirting and smiling and being his usual cherubic self. I know that everybody loves a baby, but I have to say (even though I'm biased) I think Logan is an extra special little baby boy because everywhere we go all attention is drawn towards his beaming face.

So the haircut went smoothly and we're happy with the results. He got trimmed up a bit and will look extra dapper for his fancy pictures.


Anonymous said...

He looks just adorable sitting on your lap! He didn't cry at all huh? How cute. Evan will someday get a haircut, when he grows hair that is! But guess what, Eric? He crawled today! YIPEE! Tell Logan I said thanks for giving him a few pointers.

KSLATZ said...

I want to nominate this the cutest picture of 2009!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Evan! Get ready to be much more vigilant. It's amazing how fast they can get places--and always where they shouldn't be.