Friday, January 2, 2009

You Can't Always Get What You Want

Logan has a fairly new habit...shrieking loudly when he doesn't get what he wants. It's a not-so-subtle clue as to how he is feeling. We notice this habit most when we're eating. Logan very much enjoys trying all the food we eat. Carly made some guacamole today and Logan worked himself up into a tizzy because we weren't giving him any. It's sort of a Catch-22 situation. We don't want to encourage this shrieking, but then again, we don't want to hear it so we sometimes cave and give him what he wants, thereby reinforcing the shriek as a way for him to communicate his wishes to us.

I'm not complaining about this, really. Just noting that he does it and wondering how he got the idea in his little mind that it would work. Because it does in fact work a lot. Not always...I was looking in the fridge and Logan crawled up, wanting to explore. I wouldn't let him and he shrieked. I said, "poor Logan...tough for you," and redirected him to some toys. It didn't stop his crying or shrieking, but Mommy is putting him down for a nap now, so I think that will do it.

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