Monday, January 12, 2009

New Logan-isms

I wanted to get two Logan-isms in the record. Logan can apparently stand unaided for around 5 seconds. I saw him do it a bit ago when he decided to examine a block in his hands while standing without support. Pretty cool.

The second Logan-ism involves his bottle feeding. It's only been a few days that he's done this, and I think it's because of his stuffy nose, but anyway, Logan makes a rhythmic sort of humming noise as he drinks down his bottle. It's like a baby alligator noise.

Two new Logan-isms that shall be recalled years later thanks to mr. blog.

1 comment:

AAWG said...

Every year, I make a yearbook of sorts that contains all my blog entries plus photo spreads of the family. I figure the girls can look back on it when they're older & see what life was like when they were young. I use - check them out.