Monday, January 19, 2009

Logan Got the Memo

I don't want to jinx it or anything, but Logan seemingly got the memo about his sleeping. For the past week now he has only woken up a single time during the night. We can definitely manage that. It's really nice getting good rest.

In other Logan news he is really starting to get around. As you can see from the video clip yesterday, he is beginning to have adventures with his two feet. He is getting good with that walking toy. It's really neat to witness because he just lights up when he's getting around on that thing. He enjoys movement very much. I expect he'll be high energy and athletic...perhaps it has something to do with his parents. Anyway, he's been very entertaining the past few days and it's been great having Carly around for this extended weekend. Maybe it'll be 20 below again tomorrow and school will be canceled. Although that would put a real damper on our summer vacation plans...I didn't foresee all these snow days so our flight butts up to Carly's final days in school...bummer. Ok. Enough blabbering. Goodnight.

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