Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snow Sweet Home

We made it back to DeKalb. Logan was his normal good traveling self, sleeping for about 2 hours, crying for around 15 minutes, and then chilling for the rest of the trip. We returned to a driveway full of snow, although some nice neighbor snow-blowed the bottom portion (the tough stuff) so it was decent going for me. In fact, I rather enjoyed it considering I had been sitting in a car for 4 hours.

It's 9:30 now and Carly is attempting to get Logan to sleep. He's pretty wired, so I don't know if it's going to be all that easy.

Logan is so darn cute when he's up past his bedtime. He makes funny noises, funny faces, and is generally slap-happy. I love it. Well, back to the weekly routine tomorrow...

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