Sunday, October 26, 2008

Baby & Germs

By no means am I a germ-a-phobe. However, after steam-cleaning our carpet (which is only 2 months old) I was left with a bucketful of dirty scuzzy water. This is the same carpet that Logan spends much of his time on, mashing his head into, and scoot-crawling on. Gross. He seems to be getting a bit sick too...perhaps there is a correlation? It causes me to ponder whether or not the Japanese have it right. No shoes in the house. Carly and I are thinking of getting some cool slippers and wearing them inside. Because it's not just our carpet that suffers from the dirt we track in, it's also the kitchen floor, the new bamboo floors, and possibly our baby! I always thought it was a bit prudish to require shoes off in the house, but maybe it makes sense. I know I can't protect Logan from all germs, nor do I want to. Yet, it makes me a tad anxious to consider all the gross nasties that came out of our new carpet. I wonder what the old carpet has in it?


AAWG said...

We had pergo floors installed recently & on a whim, I bought a shoe rack from IKEA. I love it. I don't ask people to take off their shoes, but they do anyhow.

Since last winter, I have a pair of purse slippers - just little knit mary janes - that I tote with me everywhere. So when I take of my nasty, slushy boots, I have cozy slippers wherever I go. I feel at home everywhere with them on.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Matt and I both think that carpet has to be one of the most disgusting things ever! We don't let Evan play directly on the carpet. We always have a blanket down. I think there is a baby cold going around as well. Evan has a bit of a cold too. :( Poor little guys.