Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's Fun to Join the YMCA

I decided to end my physical atrophization (is that a word?) since the marathon by joining the local YMCA. (A.K.A. I want to stay in shape). It's sort of expenive, 56 dollars a month plus a 125 dollar start up fee, but I think it will prove an invaluable membership. Since the winter months are coming, I imagine that I might have gotten a little stir crazy considering that going outside wouldn't be a regular thing. Plus, Logan will get a chance to do all sorts of cool things. He'll get a chance to socialize with other babes, and he'll learn how to swim. Exciting.
Also, Daddy gets two hours a day of daycare at no extra cost, so if I want to pump iron like I did today or run or swim or whatever, I can do so without having a baby attached to my hip.

I was nervous dropping Logan off into the KidZone. They put a sticker on your baby, you sign in, you get the matching sticker, and you kiss your child goodbye and hope that some randomn stranger doesn't abduct them while you're working out. I'm sure it will get a bit easier leaving him once I've gotten to know some of the people and the place more, but today it wasn't. The place seemed crowded, lots of rugrats running around. I hope Logan wasn't bullied by some mean 9 month old or something. Anyway, I worked out for 45 minutes and came back and Logan was fine and did well. He was in one piece and happy. He was hungry though and the annoying thing about the place is that they don't feed or change babies. I can totally understand why, but then again, I wish it was a full service type facility. The kids are supposed to be awake when you drop them off too, and they aren't supposed to sleep there. Again, I get it. But it makes going to the YMCA a bit trickier considering I have to time his nap, diaper, and feeding schedule. You want your child to have a good time and not be crying the whole time for least considerate parents would do so...and I fashion myself considerate so that's what I will try to do.

Well, the goal for me is to gain 10 pounds of muscle mass by the New Year. I wonder how much weight Logan will gain by then? Anyway, I s'pose that's it for today.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why they won't change diapers. Did they tell you why?

Anonymous said...

dear daddyishome,

you seem to do a lot of fun stuff while you're at home with baby. when do you find time to do laundry, clean, vacuum, and cook supper for your wife?