Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Baby Smells

Someone needs to figure out a way to bottle up baby smells. And I'm not talking about the disgusting variety, but rather, the sweet baby smells. As strange as it sounds, Logan's breath is wonderful. Little baby breath, especially when they are happy and laughing inches from your face, is definitely one of my favorite things. You wouldn't necessarily think of your child's breath as smelling good, but it really does. I'm sure when he grows up and gets his father's taste for stinky food like garlic, I won't be humming the same tune. But now, as a six month old, Logan can breath on me all he wants.

Logan's tooth is doing a number on his appetite. He doesn't seem at all interested in bottles or boobs. He seems to handle the spoon alright, but I'm getting worried that he isn't eating enough. He has had some more variety in his diet. We've got him eating sweet potatoes now. He seems to like bananas the best...so much so that he doesn't seem to enjoy rice cereal anymore. Soon we'll be on to the sweet peas. I bet he likes those too.

1 comment:

AAWG said...

I am a total breath sniffer, too! Darin always teases me about it.

But I don't think they should bottle it. Why? Because when it's not your kid, it's not as intoxicating.

I think it's a biological thing that you have w/ your child. Ask a friend to sniff your kids breath & it'll be gross, or at the least, smell like nothing.