Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Logan has an adorable new habit now that he has a tooth. He chews on his tongue. While doing so, he makes this angelic face along with slurpy tongue noises. It's really adorable and soothing, I imagine. Have you ever sucked/chewed on your own tongue? It's strangely fun. (Maybe I need to get out more). Anyway, I'm appreciative of the blog because I get the chance to write this stuff down and remember it. I feel like I have a very poor memory, so writing things down allows me to have a record of Logan's wonderful everyday happenings.

Speaking of writing things down, I jumped on the bandwagon and without much thought, decided to do nanwrimo. (Thanks, Liz). It's this intriguing website that challenges aspiring novel writers to actually become novel writers. In the month of November, I, along with possibly hundreds of thousands of others will attempt to write 50,000 words (125 pages). I have no clue as to what I am going to write about or even if I can do it, but like most things in life, stubborn persistance will probably see me through. It's an exciting thing really and I'm looking forward to seeing what the heck I come up with. Wish me luck.

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