Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sleeping Beast

I really haven't blogged too much about it, but Logan does not sleep well. He wakes himself up with flailing arms and in turn, this wakes up his poor Mommy and Daddy. We have other friends who have complained about their child's sleeping habits. Those children wake up around 2:00 a.m., then again around 5:00 a.m., and that is bad.

Well, Logan tends to wake up nearly every hour on a bad night, and every other hour on a good night. We have created a monster with our accursed warm arms and soothing voices! It seems Logan needs to be close to us in order to sleep. He has a problem being alone in his crib or self-soothing at night, even when he is ridiculously tired. We try not to let him get tired, but the kid fights naps too. Co-sleeping is fine, but we want to get away from that for the most part.

Although we are making progress in the sleep battles, it's a bit frustrating because we never know what the night has in store for us. He has slept in three, four, and a heavenly five hour stretch before, but we don't know how to replicate those sleeping stretches consistently.

Logan's sleeping is on my mind because last night around 7:30 we put him in his crib and let him cry it out. We checked on him twice, but he was quite stubborn last night, crying for an hour before he was quiet--no doubt sleeping from exhaustion or a sore voice or just because we broke his little heart. There's got to be an easier way. I don't know. Tough love is tough. He needed to sleep and wasn't being soothed or feeding, so we let him cry. Sometimes enough is enough and you need to let the sleeping beast cry, I guess.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Uh, yeah. That part of being a parent really sucks. Once you establish a good routine and he learns how to soothe himself better, things will get easier. You will all figure it out--it's just hard in the meantime!!!