Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cry, Baby, Cry

Logan has a variety of cries and I thought it might be fun to classify them. Here are a few of the more notable cry types.

  • Cranky Cry: non-negotiable type of cry, grunty and raspy sounding, pierces to the soul, happens in the middle of the night and the morning, calls for quick attention, may be caused by upset tummy, lack of sleep, or just plain baby nastiness.
  • Fussy Cry: more of a warning type cry that may lead to the cranky cry, can take the form of shrieking or small bursts of "ehs" or "uhs," best solved by an embrace, bottle, or breast.
  • Cry of Pain: happens on rare occasions but when they do they break your heart, doctor's office is a common place for this to occur, been known to happen when nail-trimming, and clipping into baby swings where vulnerable baby thigh flesh may get pinched.
  • Belly Cry: short bursts of whining that occur for reasons of attracting attention, Logan flips onto his stomach and proceeds to do a banshee impression for no good reason, if ignored the belly cry can morphe into other cries, or just go away as mysteriously as it came.
  • Halfway Cry: generally an affable and good-natured baby, Logan often attempts to cry but doesn't really want to, so if you kiss his feet or tickle his ribs or make a goofy face at him or just pay attention to him, you might just be able to turn the halfway cry into a laugh or uncontrollable giggles.
  • Help Me I'm Alone in My Crib and No One is Coming to Get Me Cry: this type of cry has happened rarely in the Hill household, but is starting to gain in popularity, it can last from 2 minutes to 45 minutes and varies in pitch, intensity, and tone, often characterized by excessive saliva, gasping for breath, and a red face this type of cry is difficult to let happen, but sometimes necessary, this type of cry involves body contortions as well, Logan thrashes his arms and legs, and often scoots around or flip-flops in his crib.

So these are a few of the cries I've noticed. Which ones have I missed?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Da Bears Cry"

Usually occurs only on Sundays and occasional Mondays and Thursdays--begins with a hopefull, enthusiasic deep-breathing, but can quickly morph into noises of amazement and disgust. Much harder to sooth away. May also be accompanied by the frequent "Daddy Cry"