Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Downward Dog Master

Logan is into yoga it seems. Right now he is practicing his downward dog pose. Now that he can flip to and from his stomach with relative ease, he has decided to push up with his arms. It's totally amazing. I know, I know. Doesn't sound that exciting. I mean, who can't push up on their arms when their on their stomach. But really, it is such a cool development in the baby world. Logan seems a bit advanced. He is not even five months yet, and already he's got most of the precursors for crawling. Can't wait for that. So how do you babyproof a house? Have daddy leave it. Ha! Bad joke.

In case you can't tell, I'm really impressed with my boy right now. It's like he's willing himself to do as many repetitions as he possibly can. Every time he's on his belly he's doing a push up. I wonder what the presidential physical fitness standards are for five month olds? Look at the intensity on that face. He's feeling the burn in this picture!


Anonymous said...

Baby's first triathalon!!
Good job Logan--I'm also very impressed with your athletic prowess and progres!

Anonymous said...

wow, that might be the coolest thing in the world. You need to get some video of baby-push ups.