Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Tale of Two Nights

Wow...was last night different than the night before. As I mentioned, Logan slept really well the other night...nearly a five hour stretch. He also napped really well yesterday too. He took a two-hour nap from 2:30 to 4:30. Carly and I were hoping we were establishing new sleeping patterns. How wrong we were!

Last night was pretty horrific. He went down easily and slept for two and a half hours initially, but after that, he was up nearly every hour. And it wasn't just that he was up, he was up and crabby and awake. There's nothing quite like a shrieking, grunting child who is demanding to be walked around at 3:00 in the morning. Now that should be the end of the story. However, you'd be wrong. We have cats, and Earth and Moon have been known to be rather annoying at night too. Boy, were they on their game last night. Earth sometimes scratches at closed doors and won't quit until you get up and chase her. She did that last night many times. Moon has a tendency to jump all over you in the bed and knock over things on nightstands. Yup. That happened last night. Our poor Earth also tends to yack her half-digested food up. She puked three times last night accompanied by those horrible cat-throwing up sounds. Between a tough to soothe child and frisky felines, I bet Carly and I were awake at least ten times. Sucks for me, but is even worse for Carly who has to face five classrooms full of angst-ridden teenagers at work. She really needs a vacation from all this. A week of sleep would do her wonders, but she's too devoted to her work and her son to do that for herself. I think she should put in some earplugs at night and sleep in a different room. Maybe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carly--you're welcome to a few nights at Chez Sycamore-a: where you can be soothed to sleep by the sounds of me typing OR the dulcet tones of Josh playing X-box--that NEVER sounds like a cat throwing up!!
I feel for you guys--total total empathy without a hint of true understanding!! Bad cats!