Thursday, September 25, 2008

Daddy Don't Like the New Poop

Logan has learned how to purse his lips together and make a flubber/farty noise. That little trick of his has been very appropriate today.

In the past five minutes, Logan has gone through two diapers and a changing table cover. Most of you know that we are now feeding Logan a 50/50 mix of formula and breast milk. Well certainly that new formula has affected his poops. They are gross! Formula poops are thicker and more like, well, poop. Logan pooped a lot and it was not a fun clean up job. I didn't notice an odor, but the consistency, man, ughhh! While he was solely breastfeeding, I didn't see why changing a diaper was such a big deal. Now, I can totally understand why diaper changes are not a fun experience. Even though I want to go into all the gory details, I think I'll spare my readers. Needless to say, Daddy don't like the new poop. Logan seems satisfied now, so maybe he does. Did I say I was looking forward to new foods? I take it back.

1 comment:

AAWG said...

wait until he's eating solids & fights every diaper change with all that strength you're building in him...