Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Half n' Half

Logan had a bottle of half breast milk half formula this morning. I had to tickle him and move him to keep him awake, but he took all four ounces of the mix. We're using Enfamil Lipil which is a milk-based formula from powder. He definitely could taste that something was different, and at the beginning I thought he was going to completely reject it, but I think my half n' half potion did the trick. Last night he wasn't really going down for bed and Carly asked if I could try to get him down. We made up a bottle of formula but he wasn't really hungry and wasn't about to eat this strange new tasting milk. Anyway, we are still going to breast feed as long as Carly and Logan want to, I think, but it's time to supplement with formula because he's eating more than our supply. I hope that his tummy works alright in digesting this, but I have a feeling we're in for a few explosive encounters.

Yesterday, I also let Logan gnaw on my honey crisp apple. It was a tad sour and his face puckered up like an old man. He seemed to like the apple though and I did give him the tiniest chewed up bit. He ate it, so I guess that qualifies as his third solid food behind rice cereal and a small piece of banana. Oh the foods this boy will eat!


Anonymous said...

a half and half, huh? So its kinda like a black and tan, but a bit different.

Did you say you gave him a piece of chewed up apple? Did you pre-masticate his food? I thought only rare African tribes did that??

Anonymous said...

Indeed. I'm all about pre-mastication.