Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cling-on child

Logan did not want to be put down today. He was velcroed to me and would whine if he was out of my arms for a moment. Is velcroed a word? It very much reminded me of those National Geographic shows where little chimps cling to their mothers or in this case, father. My chest isn't nearly as hairy, but he sure was grabbing at me.

It's been a soggy day of almost non-stop rain so perhaps Logan was feeling insecure. I couldn't even put him down for his naps. This is also day three of his cold. It's traveled from his nose to his chest back to his nose. It's terrible having a sick child. He had a good nap today...bonus.

Kind of a drab entry today. I suppose it's the weather. I wanted to get all Star Trekky with the whole kling-on thing, but I'm not witty enough to pull it off. Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

AAWG said...

That stuff happens in cycles: weather changes, new teeth, colds and just before new developmental milestones.

So either the rain is messing with his baby barometer... or he'll be walking tomorrow.