Monday, September 29, 2008


Today has been a good one. Logan and I have had a number of moments worth recollecting.

I fed him apple and banana baby food. He really likes it. His face puckers initially when the sweet/sour hits his tongue. He actually eats most of this instead of like rice cereal that gets all over him. Have you tried baby food? It is delicious. I had quite a few spoonfuls myself.

Logan pulled on my chest hair today real good. I let out a howl and it really scared him. He started to cry and I felt bad, but ya know, what can you do when little baby attempts to claw out sensitive hair?

Logan was going crazy in his bumper jumper. I set him up in the closet and he bounced away happily for at least 20 minutes. He really enjoys this contraption and I am so happy I bought it despite Carly's reservations.

So these are some moments that we shared today. Entertaining, huh? I'm having a bit of a crisis with this blog. I like writing it every day, but I sometimes feel as if it is boring. Maybe if I wrote less frequently I would have better posts? I don't know.


Anonymous said...

Well Hilly, I can only speak for myself, but I read your bloggings every day, and, like a shut-in lady with too many cats, I would miss the absence of your daily chats!

Anonymous said...

I love reading the daily happenings of my great nephew. So even though we don't live close I feel like I'm part of Logan's daily life keeping up to date on what he's the way what are you doing putting the baby in the closet??!!!

Anonymous said...

I realize that there is some controversy regarding those jumpers, but I can tell you from experience that both of my kids loved them. Of course even today, they can't just walk around the house; they both hop like little Kangaroos. It looks a little odd and they have a hard time meeting boys, but they excel in sack races at picnics; which is nice. So they got that going for them. We call them our little Roo Rompers. I suppose that doesn't do much for their dating prospects either.
I forgot my password already. This is Mike Flood

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention that the jumper things are awesome--I think mine was called a jolly jump-up, and it was delightful! While I don't remember anything from my youth, if I did, I think bouncing happily in a doorway would be at the top of the list!

Jackie said...

Well, if you didn't want to write everyday you could just post a cute picture from the day. Pictures are worth a thousand words. I agree I like to keep up with your blog too especially during those 12 hour days at work!

Anonymous said...

Don't stop writing everyday!! Your readers demand their daily "Daddy" dose!

Why is your kid jumping in the closet? Logan is too young for me to make a "in the closet" joke. Please xplain.

Jamie said...

I agree with everyone else that you should try to continue with the daily blog as long as you can. It's great! Also, I wanted to comment on the baby food. You say it's delicious, and I agree that the fruit is pretty good. But, wait until you get to the veggies...and the veggie and meat combos. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

I will just have to reiterate what everyone else is saying i really enjoy reading the daily doses of Daddy is home. -Christine