Monday, September 8, 2008

These are the Days of Our Lives

Carly has Open House at her school so Logan and I spent the entire day together. I just put him down for the night (hopefully). I have to admit, it was a great day. Despite the rain, Logan and I had a bright day. We were in a parent-child rhythm. I knew when he was hungry, when he was getting sleepy, and when he needed entertainment. He let me eat my meals in relative peace, go grocery shopping at Jewel, run some errands for Carly, and even prepare the basement floor for painting. On days like this it makes me wonder why we didn't have kids sooner.

Logan has eaten quite a bit today, but he hasn't had a dirty diaper. I wonder why the works aren't working. It's not a big deal, but it's unusual for him. As strange and twisted as it sounds, I've been sad not to see a poopoo diaper. What am I saying?

What else happened today? We had a fun experience right before bath time...Logan decided it was the perfect moment to pee on my moccasin slipper. Oh well. I guess it makes the slippers more native and authentic. And it looks like we're going to have to break into the freezer this week for some milkcicles. He doesn't seem to enjoy dethawed breast milk as much as the fresh stuff, but he'll get used to it. Oh...and Logan's cold is still hangin' on a bit. He's been snotty and I've been using the nose plunger a lot. Now he hates the thing for the most part, but Daddy knows best, because after you suck out a gross boogie, he can breathe so much better and feed without sounding like Darth Vadar. Well, I suppose I'll stop discussing baby fluids and the like. What is that Shakespeare quote about mewing, puking children? I'll have to google it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet, a Darth Vader reference. I was waiting to see how long you would go without referencing the Lucas masterpiece. Now, who is this Shakespeare guy you speak of?