Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dog Fighting at the Hill Household

We are dogsitting this week for my parents who are in Europe. Bindie and Nicky have invaded our kitchen, basement, garage, and backyard. So far it's been fun for some, and anxiety-ridden for others. Logan and I have been enjoying the dogs. They like to wrestle and snarl at each other, and Logan lights up when watching them. I hope I don't have a future Michael Vick on my hands. Then again, I'd like Logan to have the athletic ability of Vick...but no, it ain't a good trade-off.

So, the cats and Carly aren't all that enthused about the doggies. Carly is ok with them actually, but the cats seem full of angst. They just sit at the gate and hiss when Bindie approaches. They haven't been brave enough to enter the kitchen when the dogs are there. I felt like they weren't going potty enough, so I brought up a litter box from the basement. Why am I writing about this?

The moral of this entry is that Logan really seems to like dogs. I think we should get one. Logan has gotten more sick today and is really snotty and sneezy and coughy. It's nice having Bindie around because she licks off the snot and drool from Logan's face. Gross, but effective. A solid reason to get a dog, right?


Anonymous said...

hahahhaha...... Dogs licking baby snot. Can you win a pulitzer for a blog?

Jackie said...

I am glad Logan is enjoyinh them. Poor kitties:(

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you didn't really let Bindie lick his face...